项目管理工具 web_14个用于改善项目的Web工具
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项目管理工具 web

Here you can find the best services on the internet that will enhance your digital work at the moment. Even if you don’t know anything about them, you will find out a lot, thanks to the reviews below. Whether you are a designer or a developer, you will for sure find something worth trying in our list!

在这里,您可以找到互联网上最好的服务,这些服务现在可以改善您的数字工作。 即使您对它们一无所知,由于下面的评论,您也会发现很多。 无论您是设计师还是开发人员,都一定会在我们的列表中找到值得尝试的东西!

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  2. Designers and developers alike come to to get the latest developing assets they need for their projects. To drastically reduce developing time, you can now try one of the so many offers Codester comes with. The ready-to-use pieces of software are scripts (in the most popular languages like Python, Java, C, Ruby and PHP – each one with its specific use), application source codes (from simple Android apps to complicated Unity games, you have it all here), website templates and plugins in the most popular dozen platforms (like WordPress, Magento or Drupal) or HTML5 and even graphic content (icons, logos and mockups, to name a few). On the other side, you can sell your own items by opening a store and you will get a 70% commission on any purchase you have. There are no annoying restrictions like a minimum number of sales before you are getting paid, and any revenue you have you can set up to have an automatic monthly transfer to your bank account or to your PayPal. Now you can also use a Codester affiliate link to have yet another way of passive income. Just head over to your known developer or share it on social and everyone who joins from it and buys something will bring you 20% of their purchases. With so many options, there is only one obvious conclusion – make an account now at Codester and enjoy the service!

    设计师和开发人员都来获取其项目所需的最新开发资产。 为了大大减少开发时间,您现在可以尝试Codester附带的众多优惠之一。 即用型软件包括脚本(使用最流行的语言,如Python,Java,C,Ruby和PHP,每种都有其特定用途),应用程序源代码(从简单的Android应用程序到复杂的Unity游戏,在此处拥有全部功能),最受欢迎的十二种平台(如WordPress,Magento或Drupal)或HTML5上的网站模板和插件,甚至还有图形内容(图标,徽标和模型,仅举几例)。 另一方面,您可以通过开一家商店来出售自己的商品,购买任何商品都会获得70%的佣金。 没有烦人的限制,例如在获得付款之前的最低销售数量,您可以设置任何收入以将每月自动转帐到您的银行帐户或PayPal。 现在,您还可以使用Codester会员链接来获得另一种被动收入方式。 只需前往您知名的开发人员或在社交网站上分享它,所有从其中加入并购买东西的人都会为您带来20%的购买量。 有这么多的选择,只有一个明显的结论–立即在Codester上注册并享受服务!

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  4. allows you to create beautiful presentations, infographics and banner ads quickly and easily. It is a great option for the ones who are not that good at design, but have many ideas in their mind that they want to share with the world. This way, companies can really engage their audience.

    ,您可以快速轻松地创建精美的演示文稿,信息图表和横幅广告。 对于那些不那么擅长设计但是却想与世界分享想法的人来说,这是一个不错的选择。 这样,公司才能真正吸引他们的受众。

    The first thing we notice about Visme is that they provide their customers with plenty of infographic, presentation and banner ad templates, all of which look highly professional and can be easily edited. Thanks to the simple drag and drop designing and the huge range of free images, fonts, icons and infographic visuals, the content produced is for sure unique. In order to make it even more appealing, objects can be animated and given special effects. Using this feature, you can specify when objects appear, how they appear, transition times, and so forth. This all includes options like images sliding in from the left, icons slowly fading in, etc. It’s all useful stuff, and it’s easy to use too. Go check them out!

    我们注意到Visme的第一件事是,他们为客户提供了大量的信息图,演示文稿和横幅广告模板,所有这些模板看起来都很专业,并且可以轻松地进行编辑。 得益于简单的拖放设计以及种类繁多的免费图像,字体,图标和信息图表视觉效果,生成的内容肯定是独一无二的。 为了使其更具吸引力,可以对对象进行动画处理并赋予特殊效果。 使用此功能,您可以指定对象的显示时间,显示方式,过渡时间等。 所有这些都包括选项,例如,图像从左侧滑入,图标逐渐淡入等等,这些都是有用的东西,并且也很容易使用。 去看看他们!

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  6. Amazing, user-interactive, sophisticated… These are just a few words that merely describe , the first website of its kind and the best one if you ask their 30 000 clients. What do they do? They help passionate designers that love visuals and seeing their ideas come to life, transform their great designs into even greater websites that can be easily used.

    令人惊叹的,用户交互的,复杂的……这些仅是描述的几句话,这是网站中的第一个,如果您向其3万名客户询问,它就是最佳网站。 他们在做什么? 他们帮助热爱视觉设计并看到自己的想法的热情设计师,将出色的设计转变为可以轻松使用的更大的网站。

    How do they do that? Besides the fact that their experience is bigger than 11 years, their team is consisted of over 470 employees, many of them being very experienced front-end engineers in the industry that have intensive training programs, strict quality standards and a heavily funded research lab. One of their features is the turning of PSD into email templates. With over 7,500 email templates coded to date, they have got some of the best solutions for your email marketing needs: unbeatable code quality, one day turnaround, and the widest cross-platform compatibility. Other great options include front-end development and CMS-based development, hat we invite you to discover by looking on their website and even at their beautiful portfolio of websites!

    他们是如何做到的? 除了拥有超过11年的工作经验外,他们的团队还拥有470多名员工,其中许多人都是业内经验丰富的前端工程师,他们拥有密集的培训计划,严格的质量标准和资金雄厚的研究实验室。 其功能之一是将PSD转换为电子邮件模板。 迄今为止,已经编码了超过7,500个电子邮件模板,它们为您的电子邮件营销需求提供了一些最佳的解决方案:无与伦比的代码质量,一天的周转时间和最广泛的跨平台兼容性。 其他很棒的选择包括前端开发和基于CMS的开发,我们邀请您通过在他们的网站上,甚至在他们漂亮的网站组合中发现自己的东西!

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  8. The world we live in keeps on changing and evolving and so does the technology and the web development. The Internet moves fast and so it’s important to have a strong and updated toolset with you while building websites. Using a website builder is one of the best-kept secrets in web design. A builder can help a business of any size create and get online in a hurry, using a set of tools that is rooted in a modern interface. If you are looking for pre-designed templates that make it easier to create something that looks great, safety and security standards regularly tested, constant technological and maintenance updates in the interface and no coding skills needed, Simbla is the website builder of your dreams and it’s even better now that it has its own online database () provided by an innovative cloud based platform. Use the right tool for the right job!

    我们生活的世界在不断变化和发展,技术和网络开发也在不断变化。 互联网发展Swift,因此在构建网站时拥有强大而更新的工具集非常重要。 使用网站构建器是网页设计中保留得最好的秘密之一。 使用一系列以现代界面为基础的工具,建筑商可以帮助任何规模的企业快速创建和上网。 如果您正在寻找预先设计的模板,这些模板可以轻松创建外观精美的产品,定期测试安全性和安全性标准,界面中不断进行技术和维护更新,而无需任何编码技能,那么Simbla是您梦想中的网站建设者它甚至更好,现在它有自己的在线数据库( 通过创新的基于云的平台提供)。 使用正确的工具完成正确的工作!

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  10. Most of the bloggers are struggling to find a theme which gives them a wide range of possibilities. The rows, columns, and modules can all be customized independently, allowing you to change various aspects of their appearance. These content styling customization options include: choose from multiple animation effects, set background images or videos for individual rows, customize text appearance (Google Fonts, color, size, links), row widths and gutter spacing

    大多数博客作者都在努力寻找一个主题,使他们拥有广泛的可能性。 行,列和模块都可以独立定制,允许您更改其外观的各个方面。 这些内容样式自定义选项包括:从多个动画效果中选择,为单个行设置背景图像或视频,自定义文本外观(Google字体,颜色,大小,链接),行宽和装订线间距

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  12. The best wireframing service online is offered by . Why? Take a huge ready-made stencil and UI element library, collaboration features like comments and real-time co-editing, HTML export and an outstanding support team, assisting you whenever you need it. Not yet convinced? Try free and see yourself how wireframing and prototyping works these days.

    提供了最佳的在线线框图服务。 为什么? 利用庞大的现成的模具和UI元素库,协作功能(如注释和实时共同编辑),HTML导出以及出色的支持团队,随时随地为您提供帮助。 还没说服? 免费尝试一下,看看这些天线框图和原型制作是如何工作的。

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  14. What has figured out is how to create a bond between the browser and your desktop, in order to facilitate the process of collecting the information you need, sharing it and storing it in your own virtual library, all using one app. Also, the extension version for browsers makes it even easier to save and share, as work gets done quickly, without any difficulties or struggles.

    弄清楚的是如何在浏览器和桌面之间建立绑定,以简化使用一个应用程序收集所需信息,共享信息并将其存储在自己的虚拟库中的过程。 此外,浏览器的扩展版本使工作更快速地进行保存和共享,而没有任何困难或麻烦。

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  16. There are more than enough HTML online editors out there, but only one can get you hired, and that’s . So follow and control your code version and create something awesome, because successful public playgrounds can turn you from a starting freelancer into a most-wanted man. Your offers will arrive directly on your email. Acquire experience and check other’s code by following them and connect with your geeky friends and start writing lines together.

    有足够多HTML在线编辑器,但只有一个可以雇用您,那就是 。 因此,请遵循并控制您的代码版本,并创建出令人敬畏的东西,因为成功的公共场所可以将您从新手自由职业者变成最想要的人。 您的报价将直接到达您的电子邮件。 通过跟随他人获得经验并检查他人的代码,并与您的怪异朋友联系并开始一起编写代码。

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  18. Tracking your website can be very useful for the success of it and for the engagement of the audience. So, in order to make sure your site is working perfectly, is the solution for you, as they provide their clients with many useful monitoring tools, such as full-time checking, database tests, maintenance scheduling, smart notifications and reminders and many others that will help you get you know your website more.

    跟踪您的网站对于其成功和吸引受众非常有用。 因此,为了确保您的站点正常运行, 为您提供了解决方案,因为它们为客户提供了许多有用的监视工具,例如全时检查,数据库测试,维护计划,智能通知和提醒以及许多其他可以帮助您进一步了解您的网站的信息。

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  20. plays an important part in your team’s efficiency, as it makes it a lot easier to communicate on changes and updates related to your project. Information has to be exchanged fast, and Redbooth makes this possible by connecting all types of virtual sharing into one. In the end, everything gets done by the book and more quickly than it could ever be using traditional means.

    在团队效率中起着重要作用,因为它使与项目相关的更改和更新的交流变得更加容易。 信息必须快速交换,而Redbooth通过将所有类型的虚拟共享连接到一个中来实现这一点。 最后,这一切都由本书完成,并且比使用传统方式要快得多。

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  22. It is really important to communicate easily with your clients when selling your own products. did think of this and came up with a system which gathers e mail, invoices online and detailed information on the transaction, all in one place. The days where keeping track of everything would’ve made you lose your mind and live within confusion are finally over!

    在销售自己的产品时,与客户轻松沟通非常重要。 确实想到了这一点,并提出了一个系统,该系统可在一个地方收集电子邮件,在线发票以及有关交易的详细信息。 跟踪所有事情会使您失去理智并陷入混乱的日子终于结束了!

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  24. To maximize your website for commerce earnings you need a theme special created for this .What you’re looking for is definitely theme Dazzling. You can customize just about every aspect of the site from colors to the slider to call to action buttons. There are plenty of widget areas to tinker with. And you can rest assured this theme is mobile and translation ready.

    为了使您的网站获得最大的商业收入,您需要为此专门创建一个主题。您要找的绝对是主题Dazzling。 您可以自定义网站的几乎每个方面,从颜色到滑块,再到号召性用语按钮。 有很多小部件区域需要修改。 您可以放心,此主题可以移动和翻译。

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  26. Working with wpDataTables is easy as pie and it significantly improves your projects that involve charts or tables, as it lets you build tables without any complicated configuration. The steps are simple: you provide table data (by uploading your file, a URL, a MySQL query or just input the data manually), configure it if you want and then publish it in a post or page. With many available features, such as advanced filters and search, highlighting and many other, it is a great plugin for your work.

    使用wpDataTables就像饼图一样容易,它极大地改善了涉及图表或表的项目,因为它使您无需进行任何复杂的配置即可构建表。 这些步骤很简单:您提供表数据(通过上传文件,URL,MySQL查询或手动输入数据),进行配置(如果需要),然后将其发布在帖子或页面中。 具有许多可用的功能,例如高级过滤器和搜索,突出显示等,它是您工作的绝佳插件。

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  28. is the perfect agency to take care of your business web development .Two of its most incredible and appreciated features are design and sketch to HTML. The first one’s job is to convert your design to a modern and functional front-end, whatever design tool like Sketch, Photoshop, AI you prefer. Sketch to HTML gives you the chance to have your sketch files converted to a modern front-end.

    是照顾您的业务Web开发的理想代理。它最不可思议和最受赞赏的功能之一是设计和HTML绘制。 首要任务是将您的设计转换为现代且功能强大的前端,无论您喜欢哪种设计工具,例如Sketch,Photoshop,AI。 Sketch to HTML使您有机会将草图文件转换为现代的前端。

And to add more fun to our 14 excellent resources, we’re presenting a new, fun programming jokes comic by Browserling:

Searching for a relaxing moment in a coffee break or when your code is compiling? Then you should check out comic that goes beyond regular jokes. It’s a series of cartoonish to refresh your day. Visit for all puns. They update weekly.


在喝咖啡休息时间还是在编译代码时寻找轻松的时刻? 然后,您应该查看漫画,这超出了常规的笑话范围。 这是一系列卡通 ,让您耳目一新。 访问了解所有双关语。 他们每周更新一次。

All things considered, these great platforms will for sure improve your work as a developer, marketer, designer and content creator. They will increase your efficiency and productivity, but it’s up to you whether you give them a try or you let them slip. From our point of view, you should definitely take advantage of them!

考虑到所有因素,这些出色的平台肯定会改善您作为开发人员,营销人员,设计师和内容创建者的工作。 他们将提高您的效率和生产力,但是您是否尝试尝试还是让他们滑倒则取决于您。 从我们的角度来看,您绝对应该利用它们!


项目管理工具 web


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